LinkedIn services currently unavailable

LinkedIn Learning is currently unavailable. We are working with our vendor to get this fixed as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Hoopla Update – Introducing BingePass!

Introducing BingePass! It's a brand-new way to explore great online content - and a lot of it! Get unlimited streaming for 7 days with a single borrow. Just update your Hoopla App and tap the "more" in the bottom navigation to view Hoopla BingePass. 

Hoopla BingePass Offers... 

  • Magazine BingePass 
    • Offers digital access to magazines like HGTV, Popular Mechanics, Elle, Inc, Time for Kids and many more. With just one Hoopla borrow, you get to access to all magazines for 7 days. 
  • The Great Courses BingePass
    • Science, history, wellness, travel - no matter your interest, learn more about it the The Great Courses BingePass... new on Hoopla! Watch an entire course, or multiple courses using just one Hoopla borrow! 

Hoopla app | Hoopla support | Hoopla video tutorials | Hoopla BingePass