Borrowing Rules

Fine Free

As part of CCS consortium, we are glad to be a fine free library!

How Does Fine Free Work? 

Materials still have due dates, and members receive notices when items are due.

  • A reminder notice is sent three days before due date. 
  • Member accounts are blocked from use, when an item is 20 days overdue.
  • Members are billed for items that are lost or damaged, when 45 days overdue. 
fine free reminder graphics

Not every CCS library is fine-free 

Items checked out at a CCS library that does not charge fines will not accumulate overdue fines, regardless of where the items are returned to or where the item comes from. 

Items checked out at a CCS library that does charge fines will accrue overdue fines, even if returned to a fine free library. 


Can I return any overdue items? 

Yes, please return any items that are overdue, and we will clear your account, as long as it is before six months. Items returned after six months of due date are withdrawn and cannot be accepted.

What about lost books or other material fees?

Fees for lost or damaged items or other equipment fees are still charged and must be paid. We do not accept replacement items for lost or damaged materials.

How often will an item be renewed?

If there are no holds on an item, most materials automatically renew three times. 

What happens if I don’t return the material?

If items are not returned, member accounts will be billed a replacement cost at 45 days overdue. 

Do I have to pay fines if I return the item late?

No fines are charged. If the item is returned within six months of the due date, charges are removed from the account and the card is no longer blocked. A $10.00 collection fee will apply to all accounts with a balance over $25.00 and 55 days overdue. 

Without fines, how can you be sure the material will get returned?

Our objective is always to get material back so it is available for someone else to check out. We believe most people want to return their items on time, but sometimes that isn’t possible. Therefore, everyone receives a reminder when items are overdue. 

Schedule of Loan Periods and Restrictions

Material Loan Period (Days) Renewals Holds Resident Limit Reciprocal Borrower Limit
Print 21 3 Yes No Limit No Limit
Popular or Hot Picks 14 No No 5 5
Movies 21 3 Yes No Limit No Limit
Movies New 14 3 Yes 10 10
CD and Audiobooks 21 3 Yes No Limit No Limit
CDs New 14 3 Yes No Limit No Limit
Video Games 14 3 Yes 10 10
Equipment and Kits 14 3 Yes 5 0
Maximum     300 300


Non-CCS reciprocal borrowers may not place holds, borrow ebooks, equipment, or kits.

Loan periods for ebooks, digital audiobooks, and other subscription resources are set by the vendor.

Reminders and Auto-Renewals

An email remainder is sent three days before the due date. To provide or change your email log into My Account, or contact 847-907-3600 x.125.

Auto Renewal saves time and extends the loan period. Eligible items checked-out on your account automatically renew for up to three additional loan periods. 

Items that cannot be renewed:

Be aware and regularly check your online account.


Questions about Renewing an Item:

  • Visit us in person
  • Call us during open hours: 847-907-3600 x.125

Pay Fees Online

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click Pay Online
  3. Enter your credit card information
  4. Click Submit
  5. Click Submit again on the confirmation page. If you provide an email address, a receipt will be sent to you.

Fees are removed from your account automatically.

fine free