Donor Wall

Donations of $100 or More

Want to give? Donate to the Library.

Please note that donations made to the Palatine Library Foundation are acknowledged by the Foundation.  Listed below are donations made directly to the Library.

Donor Name In Honor Of Date of Donation
Karyl Friedman Alan Friedman 12/7/20
Stan & Jessica Worst & Family Palatine Library Staff 10/27/20
Ellen Murphy Jeanette Westhoff 6/22/20
Donald McNellis Frank Mc Nellis IV 5/25/20
J. W. Potter, Jr Elly Potter 4/13/20
Claudia Builta Lynette West 5/21/19
Nancy & Wayne Cullerton Rosalie Kuttig 5/7/19
Brian & Katherine Sheridan Jeanette Westhoff 4/23/19
J.W. Potter, Jr. Elly Potter 1/21/19
Lenora Berendt Leonard F. Berendt 12/1/17
Family & Friends of Mary Wente Mary Wente 11/27/17
Paulette Kuttig Rosalie Kuttig 4/22/17
Nancy & Wayne Cullerton Rosalie Kuttig 4/22/17
Dave & Rachel Simons Charles Simons 3/9/17
Roosevelt University Charles Simons 3/9/17
Amy Simons Charles Simons 3/3/17
Elizabeth Madson Charles Simons 3/3/17
Dorthy Erickson Charles Simons 2/14/17
Arthur Smith Charles Simons 2/14/17
Jayne Cameron Charles Simons 2/14/17
Dave Gilmartin Charles Simons 2/14/17
Friends of Charles Simons Charles Simons 2/14/17
Anthony & Michelle Conforti Rosalie Kuttig 1/20/17
Paulette Kuttig Rosalie Kuttig 1/11/17
Nancy Cullerton Rosalie Kuttig 12/26/16
Steve & Lan Starke Rosalie Kuttig 12/7/16
Bob & Gloria Starke Rosalie Kuttig 12/7/16
Chris & Agnes Cullerton Rosalie Kuttig 12/7/16
David & Angela Norton Rosalie Kuttig 12/7/16
Family & Friends of Rosalie Kuttig Rosalie Kuttig 12/7/16
Donald Giancaspro James Kelemen 11/9/16
Donald Giancaspro James Kelemen 10/6/16
Insight Financial Group, Inc. Our Client 12/21/15
Sister City Association of Palatine –– 7/1/15
Family & Friends of Clint Curtis Clint Curtis 7/1/15
Sellers Family Ruth Sellers 1/14/15
Karen Reshkin & Mike O'Regan –– 12/30/14
Linni Pesch Patrons & Staff 7/2/2014
Chicago Children's Heart Association –– 7/1/14
Jewel Osco –– 12/30/13
Carrie Schneidegger Carol Groebe 11/10/13
Margaret Kay Smith Carol Groebe 9/24/13
Dawn O'Fallon Art Diaz 10/2/12